Gene Details

Gene Locus Name Chromosome Arm Marker type
hp-1 high pigment-1 2 L Morph
Allele Allele Name Synonyms Source Notes Phenotype Category/Primary
-- hp, hp1, hp2, bs, dr SPON Thompson 1955 Science 121:896. From cv. Webb Special. Chlorophyll, carotenoids and ascorbic acid content of fruit intensified; anthocyanin in seedlings extends into roots; dark green leaves; dark green immature fruit, ripening to deep red.
Fruit color, flavor, or ripening modification yes
Anthocyanin modifications: intensification, reduction or elimination no
Foliage color: dark green no
w WB3 CHEM Induced with EMS in GT background. Similar to hp-1, but more extreme phenotype.
Fruit color, flavor, or ripening modification yes
Anthocyanin modifications: intensification, reduction or elimination no
Foliage color: dark green no
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