Gene Details

Gene Locus Name Chromosome Arm Marker type
o ovate 2 L Morph
Allele Allele Name Synonyms Source Notes Phenotype Category/Primary
-- SPON Butler 1952 J Hered 43:25 Ovate or pear shaped fruits; incompletely dominant, sometimes permitting classification of all three genotypes, but usually treated as a recessive.
Fruit form or surface texture Yes
1(1s) ovoidea ol^3, ov, ov1, RAD Stubbe 1961 Kulturpflanze 9:74; 1965 TGC 15:17. In S. pimpinellifolium. Small compact bush; short internodes; small leaves and pinnae; ovate fruits.
1(2s) ol^2 RAD Stubbe 1963 Kulturpflanze 11:603. In cv. Lukullus. Ovate fruits.
Fruit form or surface texture Yes
l oval ol, O^1 SPON Dennett & Larson 1953 Penn Ag Ex Sta Bull 563. Derived from S. lycopersicum x S. peruvuvianum. Allelic to o. Elongate fruits with low locule number; completely recessive for fruit shape, partially dominant for locule number.
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