Gene Details

Gene Locus Name Chromosome Arm Marker type
obv obscuravenosa 5 L Morph
Allele Allele Name Synonyms Source Notes Phenotype Category/Primary
-- SPON Jones et al. 2007 Amer J Bot 94:935. obv=Solyc05g054030 (Lu et al. 2021 Hort Res. 8: 230) Leaf veins appear green with back lighting, due to presence of chloroplasts in epidermal layer beneath veins. Leaf surface flat or convex.
Vascular modification Yes
Foliage color: olive, brown, or blue-green No
+ clear vein SPON Leaf veins appear clear with back lighting due to absence of chloroplasts in epidermal cells beneath veins.
Vascular modification Yes
Foliage color: olive, brown, or blue-green No
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