Gene Details

Gene Locus Name Chromosome Arm Marker type
tf trifoliate 5 L Morph
Allele Allele Name Synonyms Source Notes Phenotype Category/Primary
-- ct, tri SPON Dennett et al 1953 TGC 3:11, 3:24. Naz et al 2013 PNAS 110:2401 tf=MYB transcription factor First leaves narrower and more entire than normal and with a characteristic rough texture; leaves above the 5th position usually with only three segments at the end of a very long petiole; internodes short, branches few; plant has a stiff, upright appearance; pedicels and peduncles reduced in length; unfruitful, especially in the field, but can be used as male or female parent in crosses.
Leaf form, shape or size Yes
Plant habit or size No
Sterility or partial/complete unfruitfulness No
2 tri RAD Stubbe 1957 Kulturpflanze 5:217, 7:83. Tyagi et al. 2022 Plant J 112:38 tf^2=frameshift mutation Leaf usually with only three segments, petiole elongate.
Leaf form, shape or size Yes
Plant habit or size No
Sterility or partial/complete unfruitfulness No
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